Tobacco, The Silent Killer

Smoking or use of tobacco is a habit causing major health problems.Tobacco is obtained from the dried and cured leaves of young branches of two species of tobacco plant, Nicotiana tabacum and N.rustica.Tobacco is most commonly smoked in the form of cigarettes and bidis.It is also used for chewing, eating and snuffing. Toxic substances in tobacco Nicotine is an alkaloid present in tobacco.It is a highly toxic substance.

Nicotine is a specific central nervous system stimulant when smoked.Tobacco produces more than 4000 compounds which includes nicotine, tar and gaseous products.In the tobacco of a cigarette 1 to 2 % of nicotine is present.About 1 mg of nicotine is released during smoking of each cigarette.Tar contains a large number of polycyclic hydrocarbons like benzopyrene.Many semiquinones and phenols are also present.Many of these components are carcinogenic.Carbon monoxide is the important poisonous gas in tobacco smoke. Effects of tobacco use Tobacco smoking provides some relief to the strained nerves.Regular use of tobacco causes a number of ill effects on various systems of the body.Nicotine stimulates nerve impulses.It increases the rate of heart beat and blood pressure.It increases the constriction of blood vessels.Nicotine stimulates adrenal medulla to secrete the hormone adrenaline.It relaxes muscles.Continuous use may damage neurons.Regular use cause addiction. Stopping of smoking in chronic heavy smokers produces specific withdrawal effects.These includes irritability, anxiety, restlessness, increased apetite and several metabolic changes. Harmful effects of tobacco smoking Various diseases are caused due to tobacco smoking.Some of the important diseases are following. 1) Cancer Tobacco smoke contains various cancer forming agents like benzopyrene.It is responsible for the lung cancer.Lip cancer and oral cancer are also seen in chain smokers.Tobacco smoke mutates or inactivates the gene which prevent cancer growth.More details about cancer is given in the article Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment 2) Cough and bronchitis Chemicals in the cigarette smoke inactivates the cilia of the respiratory tract.It also causes irritation and inflammation of mucosa of throat and bronchi.These causes cough and bronchitis. 3) Cardiovascular diseases The secretion of adrenaline may be increased by tobacco smoking.It may be resulted in increased rate of heart beat which may cause cardiovascular diseases.Nicotine constricts the peripheral blood vessels and increase blood pressure. 4) Emphysema Tobacco smoke causes inflammation of the alveoli of lungs so that the surface area for gas exchange may be decreased.This is called emphysema. 5) Ulcers Tobacco smoke increases the secretion of gastric juices.It causes gastric and duodenal ulcers. 6) Carbon monoxide poisoning Carbon monoxide present in the tobacco smoke binds with the haemoglobin in the blood.It decreases the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. 7) Other effects It may cause pulmonary tuberculosis.It also retards foetal growth in pregnant woman.Smoking annoys non smokers.Since it is a health hazard, it should be checked and avoided. Similarly consumption of alcohol is also dangerous The use may lead to cancer.know the treatment most teens are now addicted to smoking

Article Written by mohansyam

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